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도서명Korean American Poetry in the Early Twenty-First Century
저자Robert Grotjohn
발행일2018-11-30 판형신국판
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(총 0 명 참여)   도서정보 인쇄하기 382
This book examines the work of several key poets in the flowering of Korean American poetry in the first decade of the twenty-first century. In careful readings of individual collections, the author demonstrates the aesthetic depth and variety of recent Korean American poetry and shows how that work might appear to an ethnic Korean critical vision as well as from a resistant American perspective.
도서소개 인쇄하기
Acknowledgements / 7
Introduction / 9
Chapter 1. Reading Technologies: Cathy Park Hong, Suji Kwock Kim, and Ethnic Nationalism / 37
Chapter 2. The Music of Post-Memory: Ed Bok Lee / 65
Chapter 3. Oppositional Intertextualities: The Adoptee Poetry of Sun Yung Shin and Jennifer Kwon Dobbs / 86
Chapter 4. Postrace Speculation: Cathy Park Hong's Engine Empire / 126
Chapter 5. “Errant Wildness” in the Wilderness: Sandra Lim / 145
Chapter 6. Division Systems: Sueyeun Juliette Lee's Underground National / 171
Chapter 7. Not Your Sidekick Chum: Cathy Park Hong's Poetry against Conceptual Whiteness / 193
Conclusion: The Second Decade / 221
Works Cited / 232
Appendix A: Collections by 20th-century Poets / 257
Appendix B: Collections by First-Decade 21st-Century Poets / 259
Appendix C: Collections by Second-Decade 21st-Century Poets / 261
Index / 263